Friday, July 26, 2024

7:52 AM




Wrap with a box (text, info, warn, code)


The paragraphs below are actually as ONE paragraph with soft-break.


  1. Select a "paragraph"
  2. Run Text Box command
  3. Notice the content is removed and a new text box is inserted before all content!
  4. It should be inserted in-place


Need to use PageEditor and inject hard-breaks around selected one:T runs


[TEXT BOX WILL BE INSERTED ABOVE THIS PARAGRAPH!] This demonstrates how to set up multiple Git profiles to seamlessly work with different remotes, for example GitHub Traditional and GitHub EMU accounts.

[SELECT THIS PARAGRAPH] Helpful Tip - if you want to open GitHub Traditional and EMU in the browser at the same time, you’ll need two different browser sessions. You can either use a normal window and an incognito window or use Chrome for one and Edge for the other.

The default Git configuration is located at ~/.gitconfig (or $home/.gitconfig on Windows)

This file can contain common configuration used for all remotes. It can also reference separate configuration files for each remote, based on the paths of local repositories. This file also needs to contain the list of [safe] repositories.


Created with OneNote.