Welcome to OneMore
Saturday, February 18, 2023
5:40 PM
OneMore is an add-in for the desktop edition of OneNote, adding powerful yet simple and effective features. This notebook is a guide for both users of OneNote and general software developers who are interested in learning how OneMore was built.
Why OneMore
OneNote's origin was sparked by the lack of solutions that let people capture and manage information that is "not yet a document"; it's a knowledge management system with a mostly minimalistic "notebook" paradigm with sections and pages just like a real notebook that everyone used in grade school. And yet, it's missing common features many of us have become accustom to while working with modern software applications.
OneMore was born out of curiosity, imagination, and user feedback, both in OneNote social channels and from OneMore users as it grew and evolved. My primary goal is to "make OneNote a better OneNote" without forcing OneNote to be more like its competitors; those alternatives are great in their own spaces and have their own niche communities. OneMore tries to stay true to OneNote.
So come along with me on this journey. If you have ideas of how to make OneNote better, how to enhance the knowledge management experience and utility, let me know.
Please Support
I do this as a hobby and provide OneMore free of charge. So it is with great humility and appreciation that I humbly request that you consider a small donation to support the development of OneMore. In exchange, I pledge to continue listening with an open mind and to respond to your questions and suggestions in a timely manner.
Please consider a sponsorship or one-time donation |
Translated Languages
OneMore has been translated to the following languages. Please let me know if you'd like it translated to another language.
I use my ResxTranslator app to automate the translations. There is also a mechanism to override inaccuracies of specific words and phrases. If you think a translation is not correct, please let me know.
If you wish to help fix translation inaccuracies, please follow this guide.
OneMore in the Media and Online
- makeuseof.com - How to Increase the Functionality of OneNote With OneMore Add-In
- MSN Technology - Every Programmer Who Uses OneNote Needs This Add-On ASAP
- Microsoft OneNote Forum
#omwiki #omstart
© 2020 Steven M Cohn. All rights reserved.
Please consider a sponsorship or one-time donation to support ongoing development
Created with OneNote.